Ten of the Best things To Do In Czech Republic: Ultimate Travel Guide

Founded by the German and Celtic tribes, the Czech Republic is located in central Europe and it is known for its native beers, decorated castles and a long history. The capital of Czech Republic is Prague, which on its own is a famous tourist destination and it houses a 9th-century castle, a very well preserved Old Town from the medieval times and the famous Charles Bridge.

Here are the top ten best activities to do while on your trip to Czech Republic.

10. Kutna Hora

10. Kutna Hora

Although when it comes to Czech Republic the most well known and most visited place is Prague, but if you are interested in visiting any place other than Prague, Kutna Hora is the best option. The city of Kutna Hora is only 80 kilometers from Prague and most of the town’s amazing structures are declared as UNESCO’s World Heritage Site.

These magnificent buildings were built due to the prosperity the town had when it was one of the leading silver mining towns of the entire Europe. A few notable structures include the Baroque St. Barbara’s Cathedral which was built in 1338 and it is known for its spectacular interior designing.

09. Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul

Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul

Probably the most important national monuments of Czech Republic, the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul is located on on top of the old city of Brno. The cathedral is stunning from the outside but the elegant Baroque interior is a masterpiece of 18th century design and exploring this interior is a great experience

Another point of interest for visitors is the crypt, which houses a lot of old tombs as well as the remains of the original city walls. The buildings two 84 meter high towers house a noontime bell that rings hourly.

08. Cesky Krumlov Castle

Part of UNESCO’s World Heritage Site, the Cesky Krumlov Castle is named after the old city and it dates back to the 13th century and it is very well preserved considering its age. The main attractions of the castle are the Renaissance Hall, Rosenberg Ballroom, Chapel of St. George and the Royal Apartments.

The castle’s old Baroque theater is also worth seeing, it was built in 1682 and it is still in use to this day as much of the equipment was added in the 18th century. For art lovers the castle holds a huge a collection of period furniture, tapestries and historic paintings.

07. Prague Zoo

Prague zoo was built in 1931 for three major purposes, for the advancement in the study of zoology, to educate the public and to protect the wildlife. It is located in the district of Troja in northern Prague. The zoo is built on 58 hectares (140 acres) and it houses almost 4,200 animals that come from nearly 650 species. At least one hundred and thirty two of these species are listed as endangered.

06. Czech Cemeteries, Tombs and Crypts

Europe has suffered a great deal of hardships and horrors in the medieval times through war, famine and disease. All through Czech Republic numerous sites can be found which are dedicated to the deceased ones, including some sites that are both interesting and bizarre at the same time.

In a little town called Seldec, there is building called the Bone Church which is a Gothic All Saints Chapel. In this building you can see the remains of over 70,000 people displayed in a rather artistic way, which include forming chandeliers, bells and chalices and coats of arms from the bones of the dead.

05. Glassworks of Karlovy Vary

The beautiful town of Karlovy Vary is still one of the best and the most important glassmaking centers of Europe and this industry has been thriving here for over 150 years. Moser Glassworks is known all around the world as the leaders of decorative glass making and they are doing it since 1857.

A tour to the Moser glassworks will offer you a chance to see more than 2,000 beautiful examples of decorative glass pieces in the Glass Museum. You can also visit the factory floor to see in person the glassblowers doing their work.

04.The Clementinum and Strahov Monastery

Prague is home to Europe’s three best libraries. Clementium is home to the largest one and that is the National Library of the Czech Republic, along with numerous other historic Baroque buildings. The building was previously housing a Jesuit College and a book collection and after their expulsion the book collection was kept by the state.

The other two libraries were also built in a previously religious building, the Strahov Monastery which dated back to the 12th century. These libraries are The Philosophical Library which is famous for its ceiling paintings and the Theological Library.

03. Charles Bridge

Traversing the city’s most vital river crossing, the magnificent Charles Bridge is perhaps one of the most important parts of visiting the city of Prague. This beautiful bridge was built on the River Vltava in 1357 and a lot of statues are placed all along its length.

The better known statues from Charles Bridge are of the the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV, on whom the bridge is named and the John of Nepomuk which dates back to 1683 and it is built in the honor of the most respectful saint of the country.

02. The Bohemian Paradise

The splendid Bohemian Paradise in Eastern Bohemia, Czech Republic is among the most beautiful places of the country. Its giant looking rock formations are very notable and they add to the natural beauty of the place.

Sightseers and hikers are drawn to this place from all across Europe to see the amazing sandstone hills, tall basalt columns and natural bridges. All these places are easily accessible through great network of trails and beautiful drives.

01. Prague Castle

Prague Castle is one of the most visited places in Czech Republic and it is located in the Hradcany neighborhood of the city and it was built in the 10th century. This castle was once used as the residence for the Habsburgs, Bohemian Kings, Roman Emperors and it has always been an important place throughout European history.

It is also the largest castle in the world, in terms of area and throughout history different changes have been constantly made in its design and architecture. The St. Vitus Cathedral, the Powder Tower, St. George’s Basilica and the Golden Lane are some of its main attractions.

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